Sunday, October 3, 2010

Holmes May Actually Pull This One Off

I have to admit I am not a fan of Katie Holmes at all. I have never thought she was an engaging actress (and I am just going to steer clear of the whole Tom Cruise marriage thing). The studios have also decided this as she was replaced by Maggie (much better actress) in the Dark Knight, for the role that Katie first played in Batman Begins. You may remember about a year ago the big circus that surrounded her and her husband coming to Melbourne where Katie was filming her new film. That film has now been finished and lets just say she may actually pull this one off. Katie probably did a bit of research and realised that a movie written by Oscar Winner (and a master of vision in my opinion) Guillermo del Toro would be a sure fire winner. Guillermo is the man responsible for making Wesley Snipes cool in Blade. Scared audiences with Pan's Layrinth (exceptional movie) and made a hero out of a beast from hell in Hellboy. So what is the movie I am talking about. It's called "Don't be afraid of the dark," and let me say I think you will be after seeing the trailer. The movie sees a young girl go to live with her father and his new partner in a creepy old house (aren't they always). But what she doesn't know is that creatures are trying to steal her and make her their own. It sounds freakier than I am describing. Also staring Guy Pearce, Alan Dale, and Jack Thompson the movie looks set to bring another creepy child/monster movie to the genre. But given del Toro's track record in producing exceptional cool movies, this one is sure to add to the mix. Katie, you may be kissing del Toro's ass after this movie if it does well, cause he may have given your career the kick in it's ass it has needed in a long time. Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark opens March 2011 (Australia).

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